Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Questions 4 Legislators - Letters 2 Legislators

Indiana state representatives and senators will be formulating new initiatives and laws that will affect students and teachers during the 2015 Indiana General Assembly legislative session.

What questions would you would like to ask your state legislators?

  •  Concerned about too much time devoted to testing and not enough time devoted to learning?
  • Are you concerned there are too many students in your classroom?
  • Hands-on science, p.e., art, music or recess disappearing from your daily school experience?
  • Is school more drudgery than joyful learning?
  • What other questions do you think are important?

What do you think? These are important questions. Legislators are responsible for funding public schools and they enact laws that influence the kinds of learning experiences students must participate in. Want to contact your state representative and state senator?

Email, call or send a snail mail letter to your state congressmen and congresswomen: Indiana General Assembly .

After sending your letter to your legislator, if you would like extra attention paid to your letter, send a copy of it to me at .

Participating in our democracy is one of the most important things you will ever do!

Make your voice heard!

Best wishes!
Clyde Gaw
Indiana Art Education Association Advocacy

Sunday, November 2, 2014

He Who Controls Education Policy Controls Children's Learning Outcomes

Do schools provide children with well-rounded educational opportunities? Are teachers forced to design curriculum around tests? Or children? What kinds of educational experience are emphasized in schools today? Are children's voices considered in the design of curriculum? Or, does the spectre of teacher evaluations and A-F school evaluations based on machine graded tests dominate children's daily learning experience? Who is responsible for the current educational landscape emphasizing restrictive, punitive measures against children and educators?